

浏览经济援助政策可能会令人困惑,但保罗·史密斯学院的经济援助办公室在这里帮助学生和家庭从头到尾完成整个过程. This webpage provides information about important financial aid policies impacting eligibility. Information on this page is updated regularly and should be reviewed at least annually.

另类学生贷款是为教育目的而获得的贷款,不是通过联邦学生贷款计划获得的. There are many private lending institutions and banks that provide student loans. No member of Paul Smith’s College can advise a student what lender to use. 当学生申请替代学生贷款时, the lender will send a “certification request” to the 金融援助 Office to confirm student eligibility. 如果学生没有先借联邦学生贷款,宝盈bbin官方网站可能会拒绝认证替代贷款.

你可以使用 榆树选择 比较贷款人.


鼓励学生研究利率, 信用审查要求, 条件, 条款, 在选择贷款人时,还可选择的贷款. 下面是一些在比较贷方时要问的问题.

  • 利率是多少?
  • 汇率是固定的(汇率不变)还是可变的(汇率变化)??
  • 申请或提前还款是否有任何费用?
  • 在校期间,我可否延后支付本息?
  • 我需要有一个共同签署人吗?
  • 联署人会帮我降低利率吗?
  • Is there an option to have my co-signer released from the loan after a specified time period?
  • Do I have to be enrolled in a minimum number of credit hours to receive the loan?
  • 还款期限是多久?
  • 我什么时候输入还款?我需要多长时间还款?
  • 我可以用贷款来支付以前的余额吗? 如果是,那学期结束后多久我可以申请?
  • 贷款有其他好处/奖励吗?

财团协议是两所学院之间的协议,以经济援助为目的,在每个地点认可您的课程注册. 它证明了你的“家乡”机构(你获得学位的学校)是唯一被允许管理你的经济援助的学校.

无法找到完成学位课程所需的宝盈bbin官方登录课程的宝盈bbin官方登录学生可以在另一个机构参加必修课程,并通过宝盈bbin官方登录获得联邦和/或州的课程经济援助. The student should request a “金融援助 Consortium Agreement” from the 宝盈bbin官方登录 金融援助 Office. 


出勤费是参加宝盈bbin官方网站的平均年费用,可以在学生的奖励通知和他们的经济援助门户网站上找到. It is used to calculate how much financial aid a student is eligible for and consists of direct costs such as tuition, 费用, 以及校内住房. 直接费用由宝盈bbin官方登录收取,由学生支付. 出勤费用 also includes indirect expenses that are not billed by 宝盈bbin官方登录. 间接费用包括书籍/用品, 校外生活费, 运输, 个人开支. If a student’s expenses exceed their 出勤费用, they can request an update. 有关如何请求更新的详细信息,请访问 专业判断网页



  1. 做一个U.S. 公民、国民或其他合格的非公民
  2. Not be in default on any federal student loans or owe a refund or repayment on any federal grant. 这也适用于申请联邦家长PLUS贷款的父母.
  3. 有有效的社会安全号码吗
  4. 被宝盈bbin官方登录的合格学位课程录取
  5. 拥有认可高中的高中文凭或普通教育文凭
  6. Meet 令人满意的学业进展 (SAP) requirements as outlined in 宝盈bbin官方登录’s SAP policy

有关联邦财政援助资格的更多信息,请访问 联邦学生援助资格网站.



When students complete their FAFSA, they report income from two year’s prior. 例如, while completing the 2022/2023 FAFSA, families report their 2020 income. 因为经济状况在两年内会发生很大的变化, there is a process to allow students/families to use more recent information on the FAFSA. 欲了解更多信息,请访问宝盈bbin官方登录专业判断/收入优先网页.

Paul Smith’s College is prohibited under federal regulations from making any false, 错误的, 或直接或间接地误导学生, 未来的学生, 公众人士, 认证机构, 状态, 机构, 或者去美国.S. 教育部. 误导性陈述包括任何可能欺骗或混淆的主题,包括但不限于宝盈bbin官方登录的教育计划, 财务费用, 毕业生就业能力, 与教育部的关系, 等. Statements can be made by any means including written, visual, or word-of-mouth. This includes testimonials given under duress or because such testimonial was required to participate in a program.
Students may not be awarded financial aid over their estimated 出勤费用. 如果有额外的资源可供学生使用, 经济援助办公室可以减少以前支付的或预期的奖励,以保持学生的经济援助在估计的出勤费用之内. 宝盈bbin官方登录将尽一切努力使价格降低到最低限度. 避免超额奖励, it’s important for students to disclose any outside scholarships they’re anticipating to the financial aid office.

当学生的估计家庭贡献(EFC)或经济援助奖励发生变化时,“基于需求”的经济援助(例如:联邦补贴学生贷款)也可能出现超额奖励. This usually results in Federal Subsidized Student Loan eligibility being converted to a Federal Unsubsidized Student Loan. 你可以阅读更多关于这两个贷款项目的区别 联邦学生援助网页.

Any adjustments made to financial aid will appear immediately in student’s 金融援助 portal. 经常检查门户非常重要.


根据家庭教育权利和隐私法案(FERPA), the 金融援助 Office will not release information a student to anyone (including to parents), 未经学生明确书面同意. 为了提供书面同意,学生必须提交一份 FERPA教育记录发布表格 注册官办公室. 参观 宝盈bbin官方登录注册官网站 以了解更多有关FERPA的资料.


联邦法规明确规定,学生只要重修一次以前通过的课程,就可以获得联邦财政资助. 所有重复课程的影响 令人满意的学业进展 计算.

Repeated coursework can be financial aid eligible in the following situations:

  • 一个学生不及格. 学生可以重修不及格的课程,直到通过为止.
  • 如果一个学生通过了一次考试, 重修这门课,然后退课, 撤回的课程不计入他们的有偿重修. 该学生可以获得另一次尝试的经济资助. 

令人满意的学术进步(SAP)要求学生达到最低学术标准,以保持获得经济援助的资格. Students must maintain a minimum GPA and completion ratio (percentage of credits earned versus those attempted), as well as completing their program before attempting 150% of the number of credits required for their degree.


详情请浏览宝盈bbin官方登录的网站 SAP的网站


宝盈bbin官方网站提供的奖学金和助学金部分资金来自校友和学院朋友的慷慨捐赠. 如果你的宝盈bbin官方登录援助是由捐赠者资助的, we will notify you during the academic year and ask you to write a thank-you note. Failure to do so could result in a hold being placed on your student account, 防止取得成绩, 成绩单, 等. 

宝盈bbin官方网站参加了 学费交换 程序和 独立学院理事会-学费交换计划. 符合条件的学生是全国400多所参与学院和大学的全职教职员工的受抚养子女. 宝盈bbin官方登录的TE奖学金不超过4年或8个学期. 所有获得TE奖学金的学生都必须住在校园里. The total amount of the award is 宝盈bbin官方登录 tuition minus federal, 状态, and 宝盈bbin官方登录 institutional funds. Continued participation in the program is contingent upon maintaining a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0对4.0规模.

Eligible 宝盈bbin官方登录 staff and faculty should apply to participate in 学费交换 by our priority deadline, 11月1日st. 符合条件的宝盈bbin官方登录教职员工的受抚养子女在申请合作机构入学时,必须通过填写经济援助办公室提供的资格表格,并将其交还给学费交换联络官,通知TE联络官申请TE奖学金的意图.


核查是美国使用的程序.S. 教育部确认免费申请联邦学生援助(FAFSA)所报告信息的准确性. 如果选择学生进行验证, 他们必须提交具体信息,包括但不限于:

  • 税单和/或w -2表格
  • 免税收入证明
  • 住户人数资料
  • 就读大学的家庭成员人数
  • 资产信息
  • 关于FAFSA的其他数据要素报告

Students whose FAFSA is selected for verification are required to submit a 验证工作表 和联邦税务记录(或签署的纳税申报表),如果他们在填写FAFSA时没有使用国税局的数据检索工具. 被选中进行验证的学生将通过电子邮件通知. Students can see a list of the information they need to submit to the 金融援助 Office at any time by viewing their 宝盈bbin官方登录财政援助门户. 金融援助 cannot be disbursed until the verification process is complete, 预期的经济援助也不会出现在学生的账单上. 以防止处理财政援助的延误, students starting in the fall semester should submit their verification documents no later than July 15th. Students starting in the fall semester should submit their verification documents no later than 11月1日5th.

一些学生可能会在学期中期被选中进行验证, after their financial aid has disbursed- this usually occurs when a student makes a change to their FAFSA mid-year. 如果发生这种情况, students must immediately submit their verification documents to avoid account holds; future disbusements will be withheld, and students may become liable for any financial aid previously disbursed to their student account. 

提款(Title IV资金返还)政策

学生每天出勤或积极参与与学术相关的活动,就会获得一部分联邦(第四章)经济援助. 如果学生在完成60%的注册期之前退出所有课程,则必须重新计算获得资助的资格. 如果重新计算确定学生欠联邦政府的贷款或助学金的一部分,在学期开始时收到, the university will automatically pay this to the government on the student’s behalf. This may result in a debt created on the student account and an institutional hold, preventing registration or release of official 成绩单 until resolved.

取决于学生退学的时间和原因, 学生可以按比例获得学费退款, 或者食宿. These institutional adjustments do not impact the official withdrawal calculation described above. 如果学生在宝盈bbin官方登录财政援助办公室支付他们的财政援助之前(通常是课程的前两周)退出, the student may be eligible for a “post-withdrawal disbursement” if the student attended their classes prior to withdrawing. 财务援助办公室将通过电子邮件发送有关“取款后付款”的信息,并在申请这些财务援助资金之前请求学生的许可. 


There are two types of student behaviors that will result in a recalculation review:

  1. 官方总退学:退出所有课程的学生有资格根据学期完成的百分比获得一定比例的经济援助. 例如, 只修完30%的课程就退课的学生将“获得”30%的联邦经济援助. The school (or sometimes the student) must return the remaining 70% to the government.
  2. 非正式退课:一个学生没有正式退课,但在一个学期内没有获得任何学分,可能被视为非正式退课. 在这种情况下, 联邦财政援助将根据中点重新计算, 除非有文件表明学生在此日期之后参加了课程或参加了与学术相关的活动,否则该学期的50%分.


了解更多关于宝盈bbin官方登录如何分摊学费的信息, 费用, 房间, and board for students that withdraw from all their classes during any semester, 看到 退款政策在宝盈bbin官方登录目录.


登录到门户网站查看所提供的援助, 接受/拒绝经济援助, 检查未完成的要求, 和更多的.





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